Core Principles
This is the Tap Root - Worship is not an end in and of itself. Worship is the threshold we pass over to encounter a re-union with God. We believe all people are created in God’s image, with the desire and capacity to worship and enjoy a real, vibrant, personal relationship with Him. The ultimate aim of worship is spirit-union with the Father through Christ.
(common-union, koinonia): God ministers to us as we worship Him, through our ministry to one another. Studying the triune nature of God helps us understand how we live in community. God is present through His Spirit in and around us as we worship. We participate in the life of Christ in community
We are created to worship and God’s revelation of himself and His work is our invitation to respond to Him. God is the author, initiator and enabler of true worship.
When we gather to worship, we enter into God’s story; enacting, proclaiming and celebrating His narrative, focusing specifically upon His His saving work in Christ.
Personal discipleship and corporate worship are deeply interconnected. We inspire, inform, and train disciples, modeling practices that contribute to our daily spiritual formation when we gather to worship.
The Word of God is the primary means by which God speaks to us in worship. Our conversation with the Lord is shaped and directed by His Word as well. All of worship is prayer. We engage with God, listening and responding to His work in us and among us through Spirit and Word-these two are not discreet elements - they are inseparable.
Music is the primary vehicle by which we worship and express our hearts to the Lord. Music is a means of prayer and a response to His presence and power in our midst. Singing and making music to the Lord is imperative in scripture.
Worship is a dress rehearsal for heaven and we unite with others who have gone before us in Christ. We join with all of creation and all of heaven to declare the Lordship of Jesus as members of His kingdom. Every tribe, nation and tongue are invited to gather round the throne of God in worship.
Other than scripture, our worship is shaped by history - the teachings and practices of the Body of Christ throughout time. Our worship exalts the one Who was and is and is to come. We join in worship with those who have gone before us.
Christ-followers are empowered, renewed and sent out to join God’s kingdom work as a response and result of worship together. Worship and Witness are deeply interconnected. We point our people to where God is at work in our faith community and beyond and invite them to join Him.